
Register Your Fahrenheit GLI

To register your Fahrenheit GLI, please fill out the following form:

Please enter your name (ie: John Smith). This field is optional. If you don't submit your name, then you must enter a handle.
Your handle is the name you use online in places like VWvortex (ie: 2fast4U). This field is optional. If you don't submit your handle, then you must supply your name.
Your email address will NOT be displayed or given out. It will be used to contact you in case of a problem. This field is optional.
If you desire, please submit the city you and your Fahrenheit GLI live in. This field is optional.
Supply the date you purchased your Fahrenheit GLI (either new or used).
All Fahrenheit GLI's have a numbered plaque on the steering wheel indicating what number they are. Enter that number here.
If you desire, please submit the VIN of your Fahrenheit GLI. This field is optional, and will NOT be displayed on the website.
Provide a URL to a webpage or image of your Fahrenheit GLI. As an alternate, you can email me a picture of your Fahrenheit GLI. Include your car number. This field is optional.